Skills For Employment Investment Program
Bangladesh GovtAsian Development BankSchweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Confederation Suisse Confederazione Svizzera Confederaziun Svizra

Workshop on Monitoring of SEIP Training and Job Placement was held on 04 August 2019

An workshop on Monitoring of SEIP Training and Job Placement has been held in SEIP Conference Room on 04 Augut, 2019. The workshop has been presided by Mr. Jalal Ahmed, Executive Project Director, SEIP and Additional Secretary of Bangladesh Government. Ms. Rehana Parveen Deputy Executive Project Director (Private-2) has moderated the sessions where a presentation has been taken place by Development Project Design and Services (DPDS) describing the findings during the monitoring activities followed by an open discussion. Another presentation has been demonstrated by the SEIP Quality Assurance Officer (QAO)s describing the findings on SEIP training.

Finally, the chair concluded the workshop with vote of thanks to all participants in the workshop.

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